The Word was God

A quick study of John’s Gospel makes it evident that he has one thing on His mind: to prove to his readers that Jesus is God so that they would read and believe on His Name.  The full knowledge of God was wrapped up in One man that was designated as “The Word.”  Everything that God wants us to know about Himself– the knowledge, understanding and wisdom that may be known of Him– He put into The Word.

All the things that God wrote, He wrote for our knowledge.  The Word made flesh made His appearance on the world’s stage and historical records back His existence.  But the number one record we have as proof, not only of His existence, but also of His deity, is the Bible.  The same purpose God had in sending Jesus, is the same purpose for the Scriptures: that we may know Him and grow from that knowledge.

There is so much more that could be said, but for now, let this be said: the written Word of God is what we have to gain deeper insight into God.  I sit here with my coffee to start my day and have at my left hand an open Bible.  I read it because God has something to say to me.   Typically, when people get together for coffee, they have a stimulating conversation.  Why should it be any different with God?  He gave us His Word because He has something to say that He thinks is important for us to know.  If it is important enough to be said, it is important enough to be heard.

I hope you have time for coffee with God this morning.  I know He looks forward to a conversation with you too.

Have a conversation- listen to what God is saying, and reply with something that relates to the conversation.  That is how friendships grow!

Have a conversation- listen to what God is saying, and reply with something that relates to the conversation. That is how friendships grow!

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